Thursday, October 20, 2011


A.      Slums are very gross and dirty, over one million people live in them. It’s very sad that a lot of people are that poor and have to in live in mud.
B.      A slum is kind of like a large ditch in mountains, and there’s mud, and water and people made houses out of mud and live in it.
C.      Slums have a negative effect in human population due to unsanitary conditions, dirty water, and almost no medical care.
D.      Slums have a lot of unsanitary conditions.

1.       Slums are very unsanitary due to dirty water, they have to poop in bags and they throw the bags in the stream.  “It’s littered with refuse too: plastic bags, glass bottles”. Also that, “ flying toilets, bags filled with human waste”
A.      This quote means that the people living in the slums have to poop in bags and just throw it in the river or stream.
B.      In my own words it’s like pooping in a yard. That’s so gross, and then lives around your own poop since they throw it in the streams, next to the slums.
C.      Explanation- All this whole quote is saying that they have no toilets and have to poop in bags to get rid of their human waste since they are poor.
D.      Also slums have almost no medical care.
A.      No one would want to live in a slum, young women and kids die from living in slums.
B.      “Saharan Africa is more likely to die from water-borne and respiratory illness than rural children, and HIV.
C.      This means that while living in the slums they get all kinds of diseases, and they usually die at the end.
D.      In my own word this means that since they live in slums little kids die because they are poor and don’t have good shelter.
A.      People living in slums almost have no medical care.
B.      “Determined to improve in medical care.”
C.      This quote means that in order to say that there has to be bad medical care, you can’t say that and have a good medical care.
D.       In my own words this means that they didn’t have good medical care at all, they die they die.
                   5. CONCLUSION
                   A.      Therefore, slums are dirty and gross.
                   B.      Slums have negative effects in human population due to unsanitary conditions, and    diseases.
                   C.      Would you want to live in a slum? Be grateful for what you have because people have nothing and we have everything.

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